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Welcome 2023

Welcome to 2023!

The first day of 2023, I decided to write part of my story which I may have also alluded to in previous posts.

At the end of 2022 since I decided to live alone in a new city, there have been many new experiences, both bad experiences and pleasant experiences during the last 3 months of 2022. In the previous post it may have been described that I had mostly bad experiences. But apparently I forgot to be grateful for the pleasant experiences that also happened in my life.

Was given the opportunity to work in the city I wanted, my sister's wedding, decent first salary, visiting new places, taking various kinds of public transportation, news of my sister's pregnancy, resigning from work, visiting relatives in another city, visiting siblings in the same city, witnessing world cup 2022 with strangers, coming home late at night (not for visiting indecent places) to attend New Year's events near where I live.

The thing that always makes me sad while living alone is that I can't witness the growth and development of my sister's pregnancy and Aim's growth and development. Whenever someone asks if I want to go back "home", I always answer: no, with my current condition, I still don't deserve to go home. The consequence that I had to bear when I decided to move was that I had to fend for myself and when I came back "home" I had to make my parents and family proud.

To celebrate the new year this time I spent my time attending events at Kelapa Gading Mall, watching the performances of several artists and fireworks displays. Because my cellphone battery ran out, I had to walk home from Kelapa Gading Mall to the boarding house one night. Another new experience lol. I also met Kak Ida and her child and got tickets at a discounted price because of it.

Even though I have gone through many things and regretted it, I must remain grateful and always strengthen myself for everything that is happening now and what will happen to me tomorrow. Hopefully in 2023 I can get a new job, stay healthy and be a better person for myself and the people around me.



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