As can be seen from the photos in this article, right now I feel the same way: alone in a crowd. The layoff phenomenon that is currently happening in several start-up companies makes me think a lot. When many people experience layoffs from start-up companies, I instead decided to resign from my current job. Many people regretted my decision which was practically very sudden. I have only been working for 2 months, then I decided not to continue my work and submitted a resignation. There were many reasons that prompted me to take this bold decision. But this is not what I want to discuss in this article. How can I not disappoint the people around me, I decide to take up a job offer away from home, wander alone in a city of people without a family to accompany me. It's only been a while but I just gave up. But never mind, this has happened and I can't (and don't want to) change that decision. When I read articles or content about the current layoff, my heart feels sad. Those...
Decided to share my thoughts which are written randomly and mostly my opinion on issues that happening around me. I don't know if it will be useful or not, but hopefully it will cheer you up :)