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How to Relax Amidst The Hustle and Bustle of Work

2022 has entered its second month. Still busy with the noise of the past work, the signs of a lot of work in the future are starting to appear. This routine is like a never ending circle. But a friend once said to me: "if you don't work, then you have nothing to complain about. It's better to work and complain about it than to be idle doing nothing". This sentence is still my motivation when the thought of resigning comes to me.

We all must have been at a lowest point and feel fed up with our work. Feeling tired and wanting to quit because you can't handle the pressure. But not all problems can be solved in such a reckless manner. We need a diversion so that we can dispel negative thoughts that come when we are tired of dealing with the pressures of work.

So how can we deal with stress without acting recklessly?

Maybe some people will answer vacation, or shopping. But both of these things require a lot of time and quite a lot of money.

Here I will give tips on diverting boredom in a short time and cheaply in my way:

Lower your interest. That's not to say you can't have "expensive" interests, it's just that sometimes to instantly divert your boredom, you need to lower your expectations a little. If initially traveling and shopping was your standard to overcome boredom, try another way. Maybe you can try reading a book or just streaming a movie on the internet.

Do everything alone. After a year or so I've been doing this to distract myself and it worked (for me)! You can try to know yourself by spending time with yourself. You can walk around the city alone, taste street food alone, enjoy a cup of coffee at your favorite cafe alone or even exercise alone. I feel free and my confidence rises when I can do it all alone. Sometimes I feel that if I do it all with friends/colleagues, I will be pressured to keep up with them and end up not being free to do what I want. You should try it too!

Eat. Yes, eating can be a kind of first aid from all diversion issues that plague us all. There is a certain sense of inner satisfaction in the process of ordering-waiting-until our food finally arrives. If I'm under a lot of pressure, I can usually go out for a while to buy some fries or even some sliced ​​fruit near the office.

Say it all. Swearing may have a negative meaning if it is said out loud. However, swearing can be a powerful medium for venting anger at something as long as it is not said carelessly. I usually swear with puns to feel less guilty, and only send/mention it to my closest friends, because they are the ones who know the reason why I swear. Will you feel better after swearing? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends on how serious the problem is for you.

Try to be less curious about other people. Currently, social media is the source of all emotional sources that exist in us. Happy, sad, angry, disappointed, proud, envious, excited, curious, and others can appear just by looking at posts on social media. If we are not good at controlling our emotions, we should limit access to social media because it will only add to your problems. But if you are good at sorting out content for your own social media, then social media can be a cure for your boredom.

In fact, all the antidotes to the pressures we experience are within ourselves, it is up to us to manage them properly so that they can be balanced and do not become a burden on the life we ​​are living. Hopefully we are all healthy always and away from negative thoughts.



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