I always check my social media and saw lots of my friends share pictures/videos that showed their happy time, with their lover, at office, and holiday time. And suddenly this thought came into my mind: I used to felt jealous to see friends who showed the success of their love affair but not with other matters such as family affairs, education or work matters. But over time, I learned to be grateful for all the blessings God has given me and try to reduce things that will foster envy in me. I always try to make positive thinking to reduce jealousy, with gratitude for all the blessings that have been said to receive to this day. God gives me Dad, Mom, Brother and Sister, a family that is very supportive to me, expediting my education until I finish college, and still many more blessings that God gave me. Even though at this time I still haven't got a job, I have to keep trying and be grateful because God still gives me life to be able to continue to strive to achieve my goals in the future. One thing for sure when you had doubt with life: No matter how hard life is, keep your mind straight and think about what God have done to you, be thankful and blessed for it and don't forget people who helped you in your hard timeđź–¤
Masih dalam rangka mengganti kopi jadi greentea, pencarian matcha instan masih terus dilakukan agar terbentuknya list greentea/matcha favorit based on my opinion. *cailah* Next product that I'll review is Tong Tji Tematik varian Matcha Latte. Siapa sih yang gak tau Tong Tji. Salah satu merk teh terkenal yang namanya sudah tidak asing lagi ini sekarang mengeluarkan produk minuman latte instan dengan berbagai varian dan salah satunya adalah varian matcha latte. Sesuai dengan slogannya (Berasa ngafe!), rasa matcha latte dari Tematik ini sangat mirip dengan rasa matcha latte di cafe atau kedai minum lainnya. Dengan kandungan ekstrak teh hijau sebanyak 3.24%, rasa dari matcha latte ini cenderung manis dan terasa banget krimernya. But this one won't be on my list. Udah coba w sajikan hangat, dingin, dan di tambah espresso, but it still same. It didn't suit my taste. Karena rasa manisnya yang dominan, rasa matcha-nya jadi kurang terasa disini. And that's not kind of matcha th...
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