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Showing posts from February, 2020

Gina's Deep Thoughts About Life: Help From The Almighty

Have you ever thought that your presence is help from God for the success of others? Well, I have. One day, when I was participating in a race, participants were required to take a test to measure their swimming skills. I feel relieved because I have no difficulty in swimming and other swimming techniques like floating and diving. Among all participants, I saw the look on the faces of some participants who panicked because they could not swim. Because it was not my turn for the test, I decided to help participants who had difficulty swimming. I taught them how to float, dive and even swim. After several trials, they were finally able to pass the swimming test even though the results were not very satisfying (and my swimming test results are better than them) .  At the end of the race stage, the participants I helped during the swim test were selected as winners and they got prizes.  Am I angry?   Of course I am.  I feel angry, disappointed, dist...